Spanish I Computer Lab 4/23/10

Repasito: do this ser vs. estar activity to remind you of how to choose between them.

A. La Casa.  Our home writing test is still set for May 6th. 

1. In this entry are my examples.  Check them out!

2. Jot through this house powerpoint and write down seven rooms that would go with the rooms she shows in Spanish.  When you get to the dormitorio, write down five things for which she shows pictures.

3. Use our textbook activities here and here  to practice your vocabulary.  How did you do?

B. Stem Change Verbs

1. Check out your book’s animated verb recap here.

2. Practice with your book here.  How did you do?

2. Practice with BK Nelson’s activity here .  How did you do?

Spanish II Computer Lab 4/23

Repasito: 1. do handout with incendios y cucarachas.  2. turn in your RAFT assignment (with all drafts, rubric and peer review).

A. Scan this FEMA site in Spanish and then pay special attention to the section called “Emergencias y Desastres Recientes” to answer the following questions.

1. ¿Dónde hubo un terremoto?

2. ¿Dónde hubo una tormenta de nieve?

3. ¿Dónde hubo una inundación?

B. Present Perfect Tense

Refresh the forms of haber needed in your notes and use the language guide to refresh your past participles.  Then play the quia quiz game for present perfect.

1. Write down your forms of haber plus some info on past participles (include normal verbs plus a few irregulars at least).

2. Write down how you did on the game.

C. Irregular Preterit Practice

Practice your conjugation with spaleon 1. here and 2. here .  How did you do on each one?

Practice with your textbook here.  How did you do?

Pick six verbs from BK Nelson’s menu/activity (that we have learned) and conjugate them.  Using the self-correction, how did you do?  Practice over and over until you no longer make mistakes.

D. Dictionary skills

Do the handout called Diccionario (on the back of your warm up).

One online Spanish dictionary that I find useful is  Students often feel unsure about using the online resource because they will perhaps type in too many words to where it would be cheating.  When in doubt, stick to your paper/book style dictionary.

For more information on dictionary skills, see this former entry.

E. Skits (if time)

Spanish II Computer Lab 11/12/09


People en español

Explore the site and write down three topics or pieces of gossip that you can find.

Los deportes

Explore this site and write down three stories/topics you see covered.

Preterit at a glance: review verbs and endings

Powerpoints for some irregulars

Basic quizzes for regular verbs–ar-verbs—Preterit_1_MC-4.html–er-verbs—Preterit_1_MC-4.html–ir-verbs—Preterit_1_MC-4.html

(Record how many you miss for each of these little quizzes.)

Regular conjugation practice,6,9,11,18,24,53,42,46,50

Irregular verb conjugation practice,20,23,25,26,34,35,40,41,47

(Record how many you miss for each of these activities.)

Telenovelas exercise

(Do this exercise—see handout.)

Spanish I, Computer Lab 9/30/08

Remember that while this work is going on, we will be doing “La Rima” oral quizzes.  Good luck! :)

I. Webquest for Dia de los Muertos

Go to this site and use the handouts to follow directions:

(*note that the quest sheet isn’t in your papers and that you have two of the food sheets…just click on the quest link from the webquest and record answers on your pages without writing the questions)

II. Are we ready for college?

Read this first debate (the two different perspectives) about students being ready to go on to college and then answer the questions that follow here.

1. Do you think you’re ready for college?

2. What can we do about this problem?

III. Verb conjugation review and practice

1. Review with the following ppts/links:

IV. An interesting article that affect us:

Please answer for this cell phone story:

1. Do you think you need to be concerned about how much you use your cell phone?

2. Do you think our nation could be headed for an epidemic of sorts?

3. Will you tell your family about what this article said?  Why or why not?

Spanish II, Computer Lab, 9/30/08

I. Webquest for Dia de los Muertos

Go to this site and use the handouts to follow directions:

II. Reflexives verb game

III. Find any left over visuals for tomorrow’s oral.  Those of you who are set that way, explore and attempt to play this game:


IV. Are we ready for college?

Read this first debate (the two different perspectives) about students being ready to go on to college and then answer the questions that follow here.

1. Do you think you’re ready for college?

2. What can we do about this problem?